DIY Valentine's Day or Anniversary Gifts

Whether you're celebrating Valentine's Day or your anniversary it's always sweet to receive a handmade gift from your sweetheart! It's nice to know that they spent the time to create something special for you. So this Valentine's day I decided to make a few things for my boyfriend! These projects are HIM OR HER gifts. Keep reading to find out how to make these extremely simply, thoughtful and inexpensive DIY projects.

Personalized "I Love You More Than" Card

  • Card stock paper
  • Markers
  • Colored paper or stationary paper
  • Scissors
Watch the video at the bottom of the blog for step by step instructions!

DIY "Love" Collage Wall Decor

  • Mod Podge
  • Paint Brush
  • 8 photos printed out in 3"x3" squares
  • Photo printer paper
  • Scissors
  • 4 12"x12" canvases
Watch the video at the bottom of the blog for step by step instructions!

Annual Dates Bucket List & Memories Jars

  • 2 matching jars 
  • 1 can of spray paint
  • Ribbon
  • 2 gift labels
Watch the video on our channel for step by step instructions!

If you try out this project send us your photos on Instagram or Twitter using #decorateyou

DIY Bath Bombs

Bath bombs have been really popular lately and Lush makes some undeniably incredible ones. I love how they make my bath feel super luxurious! Plus they smell AMAZING! I love them so much I decided to make some of my own. They're incredibly easy and cheap to make! Keep reading to find out how to make some fantastically fragrant bath bombs!


    • 1 cup Baking Soda
    • 1/2 cup Citric Acid 
    • 1/2 cup Corn Starch
    • 2 TBSP Epsom salts
    • 2 TBSP Rosehip Seed Oil (You can substitute this for any carrier oil)
    • 5 TBSP Water or tea
    • 20 drops Lavender Essential Oil
    • 20 drops Lemon Essential Oil
    • Food or Soap Coloring
    • Molds to form your bath bombs
    Watch our video tutorial below (from our YouTube channel) for the easy steps:

    If you try out this project send us your photos on Instagram or Twitter using #decorateyou

    Valentine's Day Makeup Tutorial

    Valentine's Day is coming up! Whether you're single and going out with friends OR taken and going on a date you'll want to dress up. You'll probably want to do your makeup and hair to be appropriate for whatever activity you'll be doing.

    I know this Valentine's Day I am going to want to do my hair and makeup to be appropriate for whale watching (WHAT?) and a nice dinner (yum...). For a step by step tutorial watch the video at the bottom of this post :)

    For my eyeshadow I've decided to do a chocolate and strawberries inspired look. I chose a few colors and I used e.l.f.'s ultimate eyeshadow palette.

    I chose a lip color that goes with the pink of my eyeshadow. I outlined my lips with e.l.f.'s lip lock pencil so my lipstick doesn't bleed. Also, I outlined and filled in my lips with e.l.f.s Peachy mineral lip liner.Then, I applied e.l.f.'s Runway Pink mineral lipstick with a lip brush. Finally, I set my lipstick with 1 ply of Kleenex and some translucent powder.

    View this look in the tutorial video below!

    What's your Valentine's look? Send us your photos on Instagram or Twitter using #decorateyou

    Uses for Coconut Oil: DO's & DON'Ts

    Lately there's been a lot of talk about how beneficial coconut oil is. There are a variety of uses for coconut oil. I want to share some of the ways you can use it in your beauty routine and when to skip it.

    Coconut Oil & Hair

    • You may use coconut oil as a deep conditioner for your hair. I recommend spreading the coconut oil evenly on your locks and wrapping up your hair in a hot towel. After 15 minutes rinse and shampoo if needed. If you have thick, dry, damaged hair this might work well for you. I do not suggest using it on fine hair that tends to get oily.
    • Use a bit of coconut oil on your ends to smooth hair and to tame fly aways.
    • Sooth an itchy scalp by using the tips of your fingers to rub some coconut oil into your scalp.

    Coconut Oil & Your Face

    • Mix coconut oil and a fine sugar to use as a facial scrub. Coconut oil may clog pores, to avoid this you can use sunflower oil or olive oil which are less likely to clog the pores.
    • Mix some coconut oil with raw organic honey as a face mask for 5-10 mins. This might leave your face with a slighty red hue which should subside. Do a spot test before applying the mixture to your entire face.
    • Coconut oil makes a good natural eye makeup remover. Simply put some on a cotton pad, hold over the area for a few seconds and wipe away any makeup residue.
    • Use coconut oil as a lip balm! Simply spread some on your lips and enjoy its moisturizing properties.

     Coconut Oil & Your Body

    • Make a body scrub by mixing some coconut oil, fine salt and some essentials oils.
    • Massage the rough parts of your feet with coconut oil before bed. Wear some socks overnight. In the morning your feet will feel smoother and softer.
    • Coconut oil makes a nice shaving aid. Cover the area with a thin layer of the oil and shave as normal.
    For more uses and tips watch our video on our Youtube Channel below that is all about Coconut Oil! 

    How do you use coconut oil in your beauty routine? Send us a photo or message on Instagram or Twitter using the #decorateyou

    DIY Jewelry Organizer: Necklace Holder

    I have a BAZILLION necklaces! They're everywhere. It's a shame because I love how pretty they are and for the longest time I wished that there was a way to display AND organize them. I had a jewelry box but I really wanted to showcase my favorite necklace pieces. So I decided to make a DIY necklace organizer that involves NO DRILLING. This displays AND organizes my favorite pieces. It's also adorable by itself.

    This DIY organizer is definitely a fun day project. Oh also, this project can also be a unique present for someone! Read on to see what you need to do to make one of these awesome hanging necklace organizers.


    • A corkboard
    • Painter's Tape
    • Spray paint
    • Knobs
    • Handles
    • Cup hooks
    • E6000 glue
    • Marker
    • Scissors

    To see step by step instructions watch the tutorial on our Youtube Channel below:

    Try out this tutorial out and send us a photo or message on Instagram or Twitter using the #decorateyou

    How To Make A Bow: No Sew!

    Bows are amazing. They're cute and are the perfect accessory. It's also really fun to make them. Here is a simple tutorial on how to make a bow without any sewing!


    • Fabric (light and thin such as linen)
    • Scissors
    • Hot Glue gun
    • Small Clip (such as a pin curl clip or and alligator clip)
    To see step by step instructions watch the tutorial on our Youtube Channel below:

    Try out this tutorial out and send us a photo or message on Instagram or Twitter using the #decorateyou

    5 Step Plan You Need to Beat Procrastination FOREVER

    Let's not kid ourselves, procrastinating is something we're all guilty of. But sometimes it gets SO bad that it seems as if you'll (I mean I'll) NEVER GET IT DONE! I've been a procrastinator pretty much my whole life up until recently. Here is my ULTIMATE 5 step plan to beat procrastination forever! 

    1. Energize

    Whatever you’re concentrating on from cleaning to homework you'll need to be energized. Being hungry or thirsty won’t help you focus on what you need to do. So eat a QUICK healthy snack and hydrate, stay away from food coma inducing foods and sugary drinks that’ll leave you with a sugar crash. Don't spend more than 10 minutes doing this!

    2. Re-focus & Prioritize

    Re-focus by getting rid of the distractions. This means stop texting and get off Facebook. You can use  to block yourself from accessing social network sites to a set amount of time. Now you'll want to prioritize your tasks by making a general outlining or checklist of what you need to do. Breaking down a huge task into smaller tasks makes what you have to do less overwhelming!

    3. Get In The Zone 

    This is where you build up momentum and really enter a consistent work flow. Start by taking baby steps. This means clean one area first. Focus on one thing at a time like start by sorting out your laundry. Or begin by making an outline for that essay before you start to do research.  

    4. Take A Break 

    If you've been working for a while you need to take a break. Don't take a break before you've been working for AT LEAST 45 minutes (you need that time to build momentum and get into the zone!). Once you've been working anywhere from 45 minutes to 1.5 hours give yourself a 10 minute break (NO MORE THAN THAT!). Taking breaks during long work sessions has been proven to prevent you from burning out, therefore making you more productive! Make sure you keep it to 10 minutes because anymore than that you might fall back into procrastinating. Also, this will keep yourself from getting overwhelmed and you are rewarding yourself for staying on track. Eat a snack or get some coffee! :)

    5. Acknowledge Yourself For Getting It Done!

    Yay you are the most awesome person EVER! YOU DID IT! Positive self reinforcement goes a long way in changing mentalities so congratulate yourself for getting it done. Check it off on a checklist, tell everyone on Facebook, or celebrate with some ice cream (or whatever makes you happy)!

    Click below to watch our 5 Steps to Beat Procrastination video or view it on our YouTubeChannel.

    Did this 5 step plan to beat procrastination work for you? Comment here or message us on Instagram or Twitter using the #decorateyou

    10 life changing HACKS for EASY weight loss

    It's a brand new year and that means it's time to resolve to lose some weight! In all seriousness though here are my 10 tips to lose weight without KILLING YOURSELF at the gym. They're mainly tips about developing healthier eating habits (accompanied by some awesome pics). Don't mistake healthier eating habits with eating healthy food HA! I hope these tips do help though :)

    1. Eat SLOWER.

    It takes your body 20 minutes to realize it's full, so slow down and savor your food :) Also, it's a safe bet to stop eating when you're 80% full because in another few minutes your body will catch up and realize it's 100% full.

    2. Drink MORE WATER.

    Drinking more water boosts your metabolism. Drink water:
    • IMMEDIATELY after waking up 
    • 30 minutes before a meal
    • before going to bed at night

    3. Cut Out MANMADE SUGAR.

    Sugar is RIDICULOUSLY ADDICTIVE but also highly addicting. This causes weight gain because of the effects it has on your hormones and your brain. There's a BUTTLOAD of sugar in EVERYTHING and it's really bad for you! We all know how sugar can cause cavities but did you know you can also get LIVER DISEASE and DIABETES from eating too much sugar?  Natural sugars found in fruits are fine but man made sugars is what you want to cut down on. This includes but is not limited to:
    • candy 
    • fruit juice
    • sugar (use honey instead)
    • soda
    • pastries (ok maybe save a few to eat for emergencies)

    4. Eat With A SMALLER Plate

    I like to trick myself into thinking I'm eating A LOT more than I am. By eating on smaller plates you'll train yourself to eat less. Plus when you overeat you're expanding the walls of your stomach and you get used to eating large amounts of food that you don’t need to be eating. Also, eating with a smaller plate allows more room for other things like beer or cocktails (that's how this weight loss thing works, right?)! No, just kidding...hmm or am I?

    5. Eat More Times A Day!

    Space out your meals to 3 small meals and 2 snacks. That way you’re eating less but more often. Plus eating more times a day is fun. It's like a fun chore, but it's not a chore because you're putting delicious noms into your mouth hole.

    6. Eat More Veggies & Fruits 

    Mom always said "EAT YOUR VEGGIES! (RAWR)" Now that you're a fully certified adult (the certification is the first real bill you paid on your own) you can enjoy fruits and vegetables! You can eat fruits and smoothies as snacks. I love parfaits, they're the best. Also add more veggies on your plate than grains or meat .

    7.  Drink Green Tea Everyday!

    Green tea is simply the best. It's not just for old people, hipsters, and the super health conscious. I could drink green tea all day every day. In fact, if someone bought me a box of green tea it's the equivalent of buying me socks, cause I need both of those everyday. You should drink more green tea because it:
    • is an amazing source of antioxidants
    • will speed up your metabolism and helps burn fat
    • lowers stress levels
    • rehydrates you
    • reduces high blood pressure
    • boosts your immunity
    • is frickin' uhhhmaazzzing!

    8. Be Active For At Least 30 Minutes A Day

    Whether you're working out to fit into that bikini or because you actually care about your health (or both!) it's important to be active everyday. You don't want your muscles to become jello do you? DO YOU? Nope didn't think so (I hope you said no). Here are some things you can do to be active, keep it fun:
    • Walk your dog 
    • Play a fitness or dance game on a video game console 
    • Go out to the club or bar and go dancing!
    • Walk around the mall (just don't spend too much!)

    9.  Don’t Eat Large Meals At Least 2 Hours Before Bed

    Eating before bedtime is a no no. Just don't or you may end up like this puppy (adorable for him, not so adorable if you're passed out at the restaurant right?). Also, eating a large meal close to bed can cause:

    • heartburn
    • indigestion
    • overeating
    • insomnia

    10. Eat Breakfast & Don’t Skip Meals

    Holy bananas I love breakfast. As a child I DESPISED breakfast but now it's the meal that powers me through my day (or at least the first few hours of my day). Honestly, breakfast should be the biggest meal you have all day so feel free to eat all the things! Maybe not all the things but load up your plate with some yummy fruits, eggs, toast, bagels, you know that kind of stuff. Also, don't skip meals because starving yourself WILL cause you to pig out later. 

    Click below to watch our Weight Loss Tips video or view it on our YouTubeChannel.

    What are your weight loss tips? Comment here or message us on Instagram or Twitter using the #decorateyou

    DIY Makeup Brush Cleaner

    Over time, makeup brushes collect not only old makeup but dirt and dust as well. Because of all the dirt and germs that end up on the brushes. it's important to clean them often. You can use this DIY makeup brush cleaner as a daily disinfectant!

    I clean my brushes using castile soap and warm water. It works really well!

    You can make your own makeup brush daily disinfectant spray at home with just a few simple ingredients.

    • Rubbing Alcohol
    • Distilled Water
    • Sweet Orange Oil
    • Tea Tree Oil
    • Spray Bottle
    1. Fill your spray bottle 3/4 of the way up with rubbing alcohol.
    2. Fill the rest of the bottlew with water.
    3. Add a few drops of the essential oils.
    4. Shake to combine. Spray your brushes or makeup daily with this cleaner spray.

    Click below to watch our DIY Makeup Brush Cleaner tutorial video or view it on our YouTubeChannel.

    Try out this recipe and send us a photo or message on Instagram or Twitter using the #decorateyou

    Cuticle Care & DIY Cuticle Cream

    If you want strong, beautiful and healthy nails you are going to NEED to care of your cuticles. Your cuticles sit on top of your nail beds' growth matrix, the part of your nail that grows. Moisturizing and maintaining your cuticles will lead to stronger and healthier nails. There are a few things you can do at home to care for your cuticles! I'll also show you how to make a DIY cuticle cream.

    Nail Care & Cuticle Tools

    These tools are what I use to keep my nails and cuticles looking neat! Watch our video below to see how they are used.
    • cuticle nippers
    • cuticle pushers

    DIY Cuticle cream

    Using a cuticle cream is an important part of caring for your cuticles because you don't want dry and cracked cuticles (which causes hangnails). Damaged cuticles also allow for bacteria and fungus to enter into your nail bed (yuck!). This DIY cuticle cream will nourish your brittle nails and leave your cuticles soft! Use this cream whenever you feel like your nails need moisturizing, I like to use mine right after a shower and before bed.

    • 1/2 TBSP Beeswax
    • 1 TBSP Shea Butter
    • 1 TBSP Olive Oil
    • 1/2 tsp Raw Honey
    • 1/2 tsp Vegetable Glycerine
    1. Melt & combine beeswax, oil and shea butter.
    2. In a separate bowl melt & combine raw honey with vegetable glycerine.
    3. Let both mixtures come to room temperature.
    4. Whisk them together until mixture is a creamy consistency.
    5. Pour into container and let harden overnight.
    Click below to watch our Cuticle Care video or view it on our YouTubeChannel.

    If you try this recipe out share it with us by sending us a photo or message on Instagram or Twitter using the #decorateyou

    Nail Polish Organization and Storage: Portable and Inexpensive Solution!

    My nail polish collection is getting out of control. I have around 50 nail polishes that needed to be organized. It took me a REALLY LONG TIME to figure out how to organize and store my nail polish collection so that it'd be easy to take on the go. I found my solution at Hobby Lobby and the Dollar Tree.

    • The small blue bins are from Dollar Tree and they come as a 3 pack for $1. I can't find a link on their site to the item but I have seen them at Big Lots and Wal Mart too.

    I got the smaller bins to go into the stack and carry box because it allows for me to organize my collection within the box. Also, it holds all the nail polish bottles in place from rattling around in there!

    Click below to watch our video on Nail Polish Organization on our YouTubeChannel.

    Share how you store your nail polish collection with us by sending us a photo or message on Instagram or Twitter using the #decorateyou

    If you enjoyed this post you might also enjoy our makeup storage and organization post too!

    DIY Eyelash/Eyebrow Growth Serum

    If I had a nickel for every time I heard one of my friends complain about their eyelashes being too short or brows not up to par, I would have a lot of nickels. This DIY will help you grow your lashes longer and help you get those gorgeous full eyebrows that are in style. This is something I make often for my friends and I also use it to grow my own lashes and brows.

    • Castor Oil (good for hair growth)
    • Sweet Almond Oil (contains many vitamins and has multiple skin benefits)
    • Vitamin E Oil (heals and moisturizes)
    • New Eyeliner Tube or Mascara Tube
    • Pipettes for each product
    1. Fill up your contianer 3/4 of the way up with Castor Oil using a pipette
    2. Divide the rest in half and fill each half with Sweet Almond Oil and Vitamine E Oil with the other pipettes ( watch the video below for a how-to)
    3. Close your tube, give it a light shake to mix the ingredients.
    4. Use nightly. 

    Click below to watch our Eyelash & Eyebrow Growth Serum DIY video or view it on our YouTubeChannel.
    Try out this recipe and send us a photo or message on Instagram or Twitter using the #decorateyou

    Makeup Organization and Storage Ideas

    One of my New Year's resolutions is to become more organized. I don't know about you guys but I can definitely ALWAYS be more organized! I love being organized because it makes my life so much easier. Actually BEING organized, well that's a different story. Anyway, I knew I needed to get my growing makeup collection in order before my room became an overflowing unlivable mess of makeup products. Read on to see the simple and inexpensive way I decided to organize my makeup.

    I have a few makeup brushes and I used to throw them all into a plain old cosmetics bag. But I decided to put them into these Ikea REKTANGEL vases ($2.99 each) and fill them with the Ikea KULĂ–RT decorative crushed glass ($2.99 a pack) to display them. I think they look cute and chic on my vanity. Keeping them out also reminds me to wash them! It's also way easier to just reach for the brush I need than to fumble through or dump out a bag of brushes.

    This was the most simple, inexpensive, and easy way I could think of to store my makeup. I bought the small 3 drawer unit to store all my lip products and a small 5 drawer unit for all my other makeup. These small Sterilite drawer units ARE AMAZING! I found these at Wal-Mart and they weren't more than maybe $10 each, but I think that varies depending on where you live. I like that these are durable and clear (so I can see what's in each drawer).

    I bought these bathroom accessories jars at HomeGoods. They were $4.99 each and I use them to store my cotton pads and Q-tips. I love having these next to my makeup because I can easily reach for Q-tips or cotton pads to fix my makeup mishaps.

    Click below to watch our Makeup Organization video or view it on our YouTubeChannel.

    Share how you store your makeup with us by sending us a photo or message on Instagram or Twitter using the #decorateyou